About Us




About Us

Hadara (Ha-da-ra) to be covered with beauty, splendor and glory.

Hadara was launched in 2013 as a jewelry company by an African Immigrant. The company was relaunched in 2019 as a lifestyle brand that provides statement pieces for any and every occasion in a woman's life.

Our mission is simple. We want to empower women to feel, look and be their best.

We offer stylish and exclusive clothing for women who love modest, stylish and feminine pieces with a bit of African glam. Our pieces are bold, unique and affordable.

An Hadara woman is a bold and confident woman who isn't afraid to live life out loud. She knows who she is and what she wants. She is determined to be her best and live her best life.

At Hadara we are passionate about empowering women, we want every woman to be her best. That is why we’ve partnered with A21 an organization that supports women by fighting human trafficking, slavery and social injustice all around the world. We’ve partnered with A21 by donating a portion of all our proceeds.